Let me tell you what our home will consist of for the next few months... BYU football, school for both Lynlee and Nate, BYU football, STATS class at eight in the morning for Lynlee, BYU football, work for Nate, BYU football, both Nate and Lynlee's birthday, BYU football, pee wee (oops I mean city league) football for Nate, BYU vs UTAH football, oh and did I mention... BYU football?
So for the next few months, we will eat, sleep and drink it. You know you need a reality check when after you're engaged, you learn both of you had this on their list of "must have" qualities for their future spouse... "must be a hard core BYU fan!" You might also need a reality check when today your good friend Emily (fellow BYU fan) tells you, "you might be a little too into it."
When Bronco Mendenhall says to wear blue to the home games, we wear blue! No questions asked! Sometimes I have to remind Nate that he's actually not on the team. Is there some sort of counseling for this type of addiction?????
So to kick off what is predicted to be a good season for the team, we flew to Seattle this past weekend for four days for the BYU vs. UW game. After an extremely close game, and way to much anxiety, I am proud to say we won!

I probably could've tried smiling harder. I think I was just really nervous.

During our trip to Seattle, we also shopped, ate amazing food, and did some site seeing. On Sunday, we all went to Nate's parents house to eat. It was fun for my family to see Nate's house and where he grew up.
Here we are at the fish market in downtown Seattle. It was amazing.