As some may know, last weekend was the BYU vs Utah basketball game. It was an extremely intense game, seeing as both teams needed a win in order to stay in the race to win the MWC Championship. Even though each student is allowed an all-sports pass, not everyone can get into the game, especially the big ones. The student section only holds a certain number of students and once the maximum capacity is filled, the doors are shut on the rest.
It all began last Thursday night. Nate and I were driving home at 10:30 p.m. from a fun night in Park City with our friends Megan, Tanner, and Eli Elton. We had heard people were already camped out for the game on Saturday, so we thought we would drive by and see for ourselves. Sure enough, there were twenty tents lined up outside the Mariott Center waiting for the doors to open. I immediately turned to Nate and told him we had to go home right this second to get our tent! We figured each tent would have twenty to thirty people cut in line with them the day of the game so I knew we had little time to waste. You would think most "normal" people would just cut the loss and sit at the top, or even watch it on their tv at home. Nate and I are a little crazy sometimes when it comes to what we love. Let's be honest, who likes to sit in the nosebleeds anyways?
So Thursday night Nate and I put up our tent at Midnight and both slept there that night. Friday one of us stayed in the tent studying and doing homework, while the other went to work, went to class, or took a test. That afternoon and night Cami and Jr. came and helped hold down the fort. We all figured it was well worth the wait, especially since we're in the final months of being students.
Don't judge these pictures, we were sleep deprived!

A lot of people used this time as social hour to meet and greet. Our fellow tent neighbors stayed up all night playing rock band and other nonsense. We figured we were probably some of the only married people who actually wanted to get some sleep. After all, we were strictly there to get into the game.

A few hours before the game, some of the players came around and talked to the students. They wanted to personally come by and thank all the campers for their dedication. Cami and I were lucky enough to take our picture with Jimmer Fredette and Lamont Morgan.

Enough said...

We are proud to say we made it into the game, and even sat on row 4. We are even more proud that BYU beat Utah by 13. Since beating Air Force tonight, we are the MWC champions three years in a row.
Early Thursday morning, the four of us are meeting Nate's parents, Jason, Amanda and their kids in Vegas for the MWC Tournament. We are quite excited!
We pose the question; at what point are we no longer Zealots, but rather Zoobies? We are yet to answer this question ourselves.