Born: 01-13-2010 @ 5:39 p.m.
7 lbs 6 oz 20"
Now that Adley is 11 days old, I feel I actually have the time to post about last Wednesday...
Because we were so anxious to meet our baby girl, we only got two hours of sleep the night before. The next morning Nate and I arrived at the hospital at 5:00 a.m. They started me on Pitocin within the hour. I was in labor for 12 hours. By hour 7, the epidural only worked on the left side of my body. I sat at a five for quite a while. Because my doctor is amazing, he had me wait it out a little longer so he wouldn't have to perform a c-section. Within the hour, I was at a nine. I won't go into anymore detail, but for the most part, both labor and delivery went well. They placed Adley on my chest shortly after she was born. She had a lot of fluid in her lungs so they had to take her away three minutes later. I sent Nate to the nursery to be with her, so I laid in my room for an hour alone. It was honestly the longest hour of my life. He did however bring me updates periodically. The pictures tell the rest...
Gotta love the puke bags!

Meet Adley:
This was taken right after they brought her back to me.

I cried as we left the hospital because I was scared to take her out into this wicked world (blame it on the hormones.) We love Adley so much already and want to provide a great life for her. We already feel so blessed to have her in our lives. More pictures to come!